Experience unrivalled eye care with cutting edge technologies.

Your Eye Exam

At Vision Camberwell, we recommend a comprehensive eye examination every two years to assess your vision and eye health, with routine examinations between times as and when recommended by your optometrist or doctor.

Your comprehensive eye test takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour and may include drops that dilate your pupils to conduct a full assessment of the health of your macula, retina and optic nerve. Your comprehensive eye examination includes;

  • assessing your current level of vision and vision correction;
  • advising you with regard to the most appropriate spectacles and/or contact lenses to suit your occupation and lifestyle;
  • performing tests of your binocular vision to measure your eye coordination and focusing;
  • assessing the health of your eyes, especially checking for eye conditions such as cataract, macular degeneration and glaucoma;
  • measuring your intra-ocular pressure (eye pressure)
  • capturing a digital photograph or 3D scan of your retina and optic nerve

At Vision Camberwell, we recommend a comprehensive eye examination every two years to assess your vision and eye health, with routine examinations between times as and when recommended by your optometrist or doctor.

Your comprehensive eye examination takes approximately one hour and includes drops that dilate your pupils to conduct a full assessment of the health of your macula, retina and optic nerve. Your comprehensive eye examination includes;

  • assessing your current level of vision and vision correction;
  • advising you with regard to the most appropriate spectacles and/or contact lenses to suit your occupation and lifestyle;
  • performing tests of your binocular vision to measure your eye coordination and focusing;
  • assessing the health of your eyes, especially to check for eye conditions such as cataract, macular degeneration and glaucoma;
  • measuring your intra-ocular pressure (eye pressure)
  • capturing a digital photograph of your retina and optic nerve

Equipped with the latest in digital imaging devices.


We are continually updating the practice with leading innovations in eye care, and Shonit is highly experienced in the interpretation of the imaging results. This assists him in providing individualised advice and to maintain the highest level of vision and ongoing eye health.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) & OCT-Angiography (OCT-A)

A sophisticated scanning system that produces a highly detailed 3D cross-sectional image of your retina, allowing your optometrist to visualize the innermost layers of the back of the eye.This state of the art technology allows eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy to be more accurately detected and monitored.

OCT-A is a cutting edge, non-invasive technique for imaging the small blood vessels in and under the retina.

Corneal Tomography & Topography

Corneal Tomography imaging maps the front and back surface of the cornea including it’s thickness and volume, and the anterior chamber including it’s conformation and volume. We use Tomography imaging for superior mapping of the front corneal surface when fitting complex contact lenses for conditions such as keratoconus, post graft, and high astigmatism contact lens fitting.

Anterior OCT scans

An important part of the design process when fitting miniscleral contact lenses, allowing your optometrist to see a 3D model of the lens sitting on the eye. Shonit is highly trained in using these image results to ensure comfortable contact lenses are properly fit without jeopardizing the health of your eyes.

Axial Length (AL)

Research shows that when the AL is longer than an eyeball with a normal AL, the risk of developing myopic maculopathy, glaucoma and retinal detachment, are significantly increased. We offer the latest technology to measure  and analyse AL to determine the effectivity of myopia control treatments such as OrthoK, and future risk of developing eye disease.

Slit Lamp Photography & Videography

Allows your optometrist to document the anterior structures of the eyes, such as the cornea, conjunctiva, lens and iris. This technique is highly valuable for custom contact lens fitting, including contact lenses for keratoconus and orthokeratology lenses, allowing your optometrist to track changes in lens fitting characteristics.

Digital Retinal Photography

Provides a high resolution electronic image of the back of your eye, used for monitoring the health of your macula, retina and optic nerve. By comparing your retinal photographs over time, your optometrist can reliably detect subtle changes to your eye health and detect diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and macular degeneration. Early detection of these diseases is critical for ensuring prompt treatment and preventing permanent damage to your vision.

Corneal Pachymetry

A highly valuable measurement for monitoring keratoconus progression and advising on crosslinking eligibility in people with keratoconus. It is also an important addition to glaucoma screening with research finding that people who have thin corneas are at increased risk of developing glaucoma.

Visual Fields Testing

Tests the sensitivity of your peripheral vision, and is particularly important in screening for damage caused by glaucoma. It also aids the diagnosis of certain neurological conditions, and is relevant for assessing suitability to hold a Victorian drivers license.

Now everyone can live life without the need for glasses.


Daily, fortnightly or monthly disposable soft lenses are the most popular contact lens modality, catering for a wide range of prescriptions including corrections for astigmatism. Multifocal soft lenses can also be prescribed to offer clear distance and reading vision, without the need for glasses.

Daily Disposable Soft Lenses

Worn once and are then disposed of, daily disposable lenses require minimal handling and cleaning and are a preferred option for people who suffer with dry eye.

Overnight Wear Soft Lenses

Monthly disposable lenses are suitable for overnight wear offering long-term wear with minimal handling and cleaning.

Custom Made Soft Lenses

While the latest technology and availability of disposable soft lenses offers correction for the majority of contact lens wearers, complex prescriptions may require a custom-made soft lens.

To enquire whether disposable contact lenses are an option for you, book a consultation with Shonit today.

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

RGP contact lenses are made from a firm plastic material and are recommended for specialized forms of contact lens fitting, including very high prescriptions, keratoconus, post-corneal graft and orthokeratology, that offer better clarity and more consistent vision for many people with high prescriptions and/or astigmatism.

Dry Eye Disease significantly and negatively impacts quality of life.


Environmental factors, general health and medication use can contribute to Dry Eye Disease onset and severity, affecting up to 40% of the population. An unstable tear film contributes to a disease of the ocular surface and tears causing symptoms such as red eyes, stinging pain and blurred vision. Long term tear film instability can cause inflammation and permanent damage to the ocular surface.

Glands in the eyelids known as Meibomian glands secrete oil known as meibum that should flow freely with the consistency of olive oil, and slow tear film evaporation.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction refers to the blockage and eventual decay of these glands from a change in meibum quality, clogging the glands and leading to permanent gland damage and deterioration. Although studies show Meibomian glands begin to deteriorate in the third decade of life and explain why dry eye disease is commonly associated with ageing, dry eye disease can affect people of all ages.

Vision Camberwell offers a range of Dry Eye Disease procedures and treatments to improve the quality of life for people suffering Dry Eye Disease.

For a comprehensive dry eye examination, book a consultation with Shonit today.